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Automation for People Analytics

10x the impact of your small but mighty people analytics effort! With Included, you can 10x the amount of work one people analytics professional can put out in a day – no extra hires needed. Pull reports in seconds not days.

Bottom line up front, AI generated visual + narrative scorecards for each of your stakeholders. Easy to click through and drill down.

Reclaim your time with AI.
Delight your stakeholders with easy access.

Ask Included Easy query for your entire united people data set: HR, TA, Engagement, & DEI.
Drill down Your answer is delivered, along with links so you can click through and drill down.
Democratize data Unlimited users, custom permission levels, custom scorecard views.
Forecasts Pull up Included in your next strategy meeting, ask your question and get forecasts and predictions.

AI attrition risk indicators, proactive guidance at your fingertips

  • Hone in on top performer risks
  • Stop light indicators of urgency among key drivers
  • Slice by manager, org, geography, level, tenure, dei, pay and much more.

Easy integration
with ATS and HRIS

Included unites all your people data into one data hub. We connect to ATS, HRIS, and any other system with key people data delivering one view, automations, forecasts and guidance.

Included’s AI is your virtual assistant:

What are your goals for attrition, retention, DEI metrics and more?
Program Included’s rule-based engine with your workforce KPIs per HR, TA, Engagement and DEI.
The platform’s assistant will alert you when your analytics predict that you are trending in the wrong direction, with precision insights and guidance on where to take action.

Award-Winning People Analytics Platform

Explore more from Included

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